Steven Wager FSDC

Silversmithing & Goldsmithing

About Steven
Steven is a Manufacturer/Designer/Restorer of bespoke objects d ‘art in Gold and / or Silver. He accepts commissions for both private & corporate clients, trading as S.E.W. Ltd. He is also a Tutor/Lecturer at S.E.W. Ltd private school. He works entirely on special commissions for national/international collectors who are looking for exceptional quality and handmade piece that no-one else will have.
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Someone once said that “art is not a form of communication but a vehicle for sharing experiences between artist and viewer".

Steven'w work fits this description because it is rich with layers of artistic expression capable of unlocking repressed or forgotten levels of memory in individuals. But for this to happen, the individual must be willing to pause long enough not only to look but also to feel the meaning of in his work. If you are in the world of exclusive pieces of art then steven's work is for you.

Resumé Back to top

Per apprentice at Sir John Cass School of Art.
Served a five year apprenticeship under his master Algernon Asprey.
Upon completion of his apprenticeship he was made a freeman of the city of London and the Goldsmiths company.
He worked for Crown Jewellers Asprey’s for 25 years before starting S.E.W. Ltd Gold/Silversmiths 2003.
He has been head lecturer at the Sir John Cass school for over five years and he runs a private school three days a week in Gold/Silversmithing.
He manufactures Gold /Silverware

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