Create an account

To start you'll need to create an account

Needs to be at least 8 characters in length, contain both upper and lower case characters and at least one numerical digit

Join as a student member

After creating an account, and logging into the system, we will ask you to complete your application by telling us something about yourself where you are studying and your course.

It will be useful to have the following information ready:

  • The name of the College, University or School where you are studying
  • The title of the course and the award that it will lead to (e.g. Degree, Diploma, etc.)
  • The name of your tutor
  • The dates the course started and ends
  • A personal statement about why you are applying to be a Member, your personal ambitions, inspirations, etc.
  • If you are already a maker, information about your current projects
  • A scanned copy of your Student ID Card.

Annual price: £10