Mark Beverton LSDC

Furniture & Boxes

About Mark
Mark is a designer and maker of furniture, sculptures and sculptural furniture, working in a variety of materials, he also restores and reinvents vintage industrial objects. He builds items of quality and durability.
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From a young age Mark spent much of his time in his father's workshop, who was a sculptor, engineer and maker of a diverse range of pieces. This is where his education in design and making began. It was an amazing creative environment where he could experiment and make things whilst learning wood and metal working, engineering and sculpting skills under a master craftsmen. "It was like a magician working his magic, watching a tree being brought into the workshop and a wonderful piece of furniture would leave". As he gained more experience he was able to make more ambitious pieces. When he's in his workshop it's his favourite place to be, it gives him an enormous sense of satisfaction. The workshop is a bit like a blank canvas, in it he can create anything.

There are many things that inspire Mark including the natural world, the Apollo space missions, science fact and fiction, a well engineered product, traditional Japanese crafts and their way of life. He also appreciates a simple mortice and tenon or dovetail joint made hundreds of years ago, the beauty, patina and craftsmanship of an antique piece! So many things in day to day life can plant a seed of inspiration. Curiosity leads to creation.

Artists work that he finds inspiring are - Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Naum Gabo, Brancusi, Mackintosh, Voysey, the Bugatti family, Thomas Sheraton, Thomas Chippendale, Le Corbusier, Andy Goldsworthy, Bloomsbury group, Grinling Gibbons, to name a few.

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2018 Loss & Lucidity - Santa Ana, California, U.S.A.

2018 The Hand of the Maker – SDC, Chelsea College of Art, London

2018 Gallery 57 - Arundel, Sussex

2018 Ashdown Gallery, Forest Row, Sussex

2017 Handmade at Kew

2016 Made, design & crafts fair, West Dean, Sussex

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